Assessment options
Learners can choose from a range of assessment options to gain Cambridge International AS & A Level qualifications:
- Take the Cambridge International AS Level only. The syllabus content is half a Cambridge International A Level.
- Take a ‘staged’ assessment route – take the Cambridge International AS Level in one examination series and complete the final Cambridge International A Level at a subsequent series. AS Level marks can be carried forward to a full A Level twice within a 13 month period.*
- Take all papers of the Cambridge International A Level course in the same examination session, usually at the end of the course.
We hold Cambridge International AS & A Level examination series twice a year, in June and November. Results are issued in August and January.
* The staged assessment route is not possible in all subjects. The outcomes awarded for Cambridge International AS Level language syllabuses cannot be carried forward to Cambridge International A Level.
Reporting achievement
Each subject that a learner takes receives a separate grade.
Grades are benchmarked using internationally recognised grades, which have clear guidelines to explain the standards of achievement.
The Cambridge International A Level is reported on a grade scale from A* (highest) to E (minimum required performance). There is no A* grade for Cambridge International AS Levels, which run from grade A to E.
Performance feedback
We use Cambridge International AS Level to give learners valuable feedback on their performance, identifying strengths and weaknesses before they complete their full Cambridge International A Level.