Student Assessments

  1. Cambridge Secondary 1 provides an optional testing structure to assess learner performance and to report progress to learners and parents.
  • Progression tests: these are end-of-stage tests which are available for English, Mathematics and Science for Years 7 to 9.
  • Cambridge Checkpoint: this is a diagnostic assessment tool for the end of the Secondary 1 (Year 9) phase of education in English, Mathematics and Science.

View our outstanding Cambridge Checkpoint results.

The progression tests are given by Cambridge and marked in the school while Cambridge Checkpoint is marked by Cambridge International Examinations. Note – the tests cover only the core subjects (English, Maths and Science).

  1. Internal tests and examinations

These are set and marked in the school by the teachers. They are usually given at the middle and end of Term 1 and 2.

  1. Continuous Assessment

This usually takes various forms such as bi-weekly tests or projects. The eventual scores are counted as part of the term grade.