Who We Are

International Christian Kindergarten is an international Christian school equipped to serve a diverse student body with the highest standards of education using the Montessori approach, learning by joyful discovery.

Our Philosophy

A child needs love that is unfailing, unconditional and ever available. A small child needs to know that someone cares for him and that what he does and says is important.  What a child believes about himself affects everything he does.  He needs to be assured of his own worth as an individual.

A child’s recognition of his own worth depends largely on his experience of love.  The feeling that he is loved is the foundation on which he builds love towards others.  He learns to love by being loved.

Our school has been founded to share the love of the Lord Jesus Christ and to help children to know the meaning of the greatest love of all – God’s love.

Our Goal

To live out this philosophy, the school’s total environment aims to reflect God’s loving care and order as it pursues the child’s fullest development: physically, intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and morally (socially).

Our Program

As a Christian school, our foundation of instruction is based on Biblical principles practical to everyday learning.  Children develop through these principles, integrated with a sensorial approach to learning.  For example, the life of David the shepherd reveals a remarkable model of communication possible with our creator.  An extension study could be a unit of sheep and other farm animals.  In another unit, the principle of being thankful for what we have is illustrated with a tangible study of wild life: God’s gift to Africa.

Learning Experiences

  • Practical Life & Sensorial activities
  • Language & Numbers
  • Creation-Bible & Physical education
  • Science & Geography
  • Music, Dance & Art
  • Computer, Pony ride & Swimming
  • French & Kiswahili
  • Cookery
  • Piano Lessons

Our People

The faculty is made up of qualified Christian teachers, who have each fulfilled necessary character and professional requirements expected in the crucial responsibility of influencing young lives. Each one has received training in early childhood education before being accepted on to the full-time teaching staff.  Classroom assistants and part-time resource teachers are also expected to live up high standards of excellence in their functions.

Our Pursuit

Provide activities that will allow each child to move at his own pace in discovery and exploration. In this we:

  • Emphasize self-motivation
  • Place for children in direct contact with equipment such as censorial materials, reading materials, mathematical materials, rather than emphasizing information through lecture and route memorization
  • Group children so that they may associate with others and younger children
  • Provide materials that are mostly self-correcting
  • Allow children to study various subjects individually or in small groups in different parts of the building
  • Provide long flexible blocks of time
  • Provide a Christian staff that shows love and affection and is supportive of each child’s endeavors
  • Encourage parental visitation
  • Expect close parental support

Through these priorities we would like to train healthy, happy children who are able to:

  • Love God, their family and friends
  • Concentrate for long periods on a single task
  • Find intrinsic motivation and self-discipline
  • Find success
  • Complete each task began
  • Care for the environment
  • Respect others and their work
  • Be helpful towards others
  • Have enthusiasm for and pleasure from the challenge of new and difficult work
  • View the accompaniments of others with joy rather than envy
  • Acquire positive attitudes and habits

Our Parents

Parents are primarily accountable to God for the training and equipping their children, but our teachers recognize that they share this responsibility. We strongly support working together with parents in the development of their child and his individual gifts.

Three Parent Seminars are scheduled during the school year. Parents are expected to attend these, as they are in integral part of the overall school program.

ICK Testimonials